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a humanoid android with the face of a black man in a futuristic department store in the ye
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stories from diverse, future-minded bay Area SCREENWRITERs 

science fiction, black film, women directors, women filmmakers, african american, afrofuturist, sci-fi, independent film, indie film, filmmaker, independent, digital, high definition, black filmmakers, drama, fantasy, black women films, black sci-fi, black nerds, movies, film, cinema, independent film

Artistic Freedom Ltd. founder Celia C. Peters, is a 2024-25 Artist-in-Residence with Oakland's inimitable Betti Ono Foundation, which believes that art is both a powerful form of activism and a vehicle for cultural resilience. BOF celebrates artists who use their practice to challenge injustices, foster self-determination, and inspire collective transformation. 

For her Residency, Celia is producing The Next 15 Minutes, a dramatic reading of screenwriting by diverse screenwriters. She created and originally produced this show while living in NYC and is stoked to reprise it in Oakland.

The Next 15 Minutes: Full Spectrum Futures puts underrepresented screenwriters in the driver’s seat with a focus on futurist stories. Seeing ourselves in the future is the first step to self-determination and this program gives storytellers a platform to dramatize the futures they envision. The Next 15 Minutes: Full Spectrum Futures will present four jury-selected 15-minute screenwriting excerpts read by actors in character in a live show in Oakland in Spring 2025. (Think story time for grown-ups.) 

Representing ourselves matters.


Betti Ono Projects and Programs Coordinator, Flavia Mora

Producer Celia C. Peters


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