04 February 2022
Oakland, CA: Transmedia production company Artistic Freedom Ltd. launched its first scripted podcast, the afrofuturist sci-fi thriller DOMESTICATED from filmmaker Celia C. Peters, on February 1, 2022.
DOMESTICATED is the innovative scripted podcast we all want, need, and deserve: over 16 million people in the US alone are "avid podcast fans" (podcasthosting.org) and this series feeds the hunger of the very large (and growing!) afrofuturist and sci-fi audiences. DOMESTICATED explores a mind-blowing experience in intense, small bites steeped in vibrant sound; complex, multidimensional characters; and thick atmosphere. Peters has pushed the "less is more" credo to the limit with the production's 'micro-episode' format; these short episodes are jam-packed with drama and thick with atmosphere. This edgy story puts the very human issues of social hierarchy, gender, race and psychology in the hands of extraterrestrial beings who have no understanding of them whatsoever; the story is told by a woman who is obsessed with being free while navigating profound changes to humanity and its planet. This groundbreaking series will stoke the imagination-flames of sci-fi lovers, afropunks, speculative fiction connoisseurs and podcast surfers worldwide.
LOGLINE: In near-future America, Aramintha finds herself trapped in a new reality when a highly advanced species comes to Earth and domesticates humanity. Escape --- or death --- are the only options she can live with. So begins this compelling afrofuturist sci-fi story that imagines one possibility for first contact with otherworldly life. Domesticated features actors Comika Hartford, Charles J. Ouda, Christiana Blain and Dwayne Eggerson.
Series creator Celia C. Peters sees science fiction as “....the liberation genre...not bound by present-day rules, constraints or constructs. The political, sexual, racial, and gender roles of our current world are out the window. Science fiction is where creativity and imagination become reality."
Experience alien invasion from a new perspective in DOMESTICATED.

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There Are Black People in the Future...and They Make First Contact in “DOMESTICATED”
Celia C. Peters’ Afrofuturist Sci-Fi Audio Drama Series Has Launched
Lovers of afrofuturism, smart science fiction with universal themes, speculative fiction, short stories, short-form radio dramas and fictional docudrama podcasts will sink their teeth into DOMESTICATED.
Listen at domesticated.simplecast.com

About Celia C. Peters:
Ms. Peters is a futurist, filmmaker-transmedia artist, educator and curator. BIOGRAPHY
#DOMESTICATED #audiodrama #scifi #afrofuturism #scriptedpodcast #blackpodcasters #speculativefiction #afrofuturistscifi #shortfiction #afrofuturism #blackdirectors #womandirectors #indiefilm #scifi #sciencefiction #extraterrestrial #afrofuturism #episodic #webseries #audiodrama #radiotheatre #strongwomenlead #strongblacklead #blackwomen #blackmen #reproduction #extraterrestrials #alieninvasion #futuristic #resistance #spacetravel #octaviabutler #inspiration #nature #technology #ArtisticFreedomLtd
Artistic Freedom Ltd.:
Artistic Freedom, Ltd. is a multimedia company producing of visceral stories about diverse and complex characters. AFLTD is the home of the creative output of filmmaker-transmedia artist Celia C. Peters. Work includes sci-fi short films MISSION & Roxë15, and forthcoming sci-fi thriller Godspeed. DOMESTICATED is Peters’ latest innovation of afrofuturist science fiction storytelling, presented in a whole new format: audio drama.
Stick with us, kid